
Fact Sheets

Spotted Lanternfly Management for Homeowners

Spotted Lanternfly Management for Homeowners

A guide that reviews the identification, life cycle, current distribution, and techniques for managing spotted lanternfly on your property.


Spotted Lanternfly Management for Landscape Professionals

Spotted Lanternfly Management for Landscape Professionals

A guide that reviews the identification, life cycle, and techniques for managing spotted lanternfly. While it can cause significant damage to plants, it is a nuisance pest in the ornamental and landscape industries.


Spotted Lanternfly Management in Vineyards

Spotted Lanternfly Management in Vineyards

This article provides identification, damage, quarantine, and management information for the spotted lanternfly, an invasive sap-feeding planthopper that feeds on the vine trunk, shoots, and leaves of grape plants, among other crops.




Tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima) also known as ailanthus, is a rapidly growing deciduous tree native to both northeast and central China, as well as Taiwan. Spotted lanternfly, an invasive pest, is particularly attracted to tree-of-heaven.


Spotted Lanternfly Virtual Symposium (May 15, 2020)

Featuring the latest research on this invasive insect, sponsored by the SCRI spotted lanternfly group. Watch the recording and download the agenda (PDF).

Online Spotted Lanternfly Workshop (May 13, 2020, 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.)

This is a meeting to update farmers and the general public about spotted lanternfly. Primarily focused on Ulster County and New York State, information will include biology, preferred hosts, economic injury, and regulatory restrictions. 2.25 NY DEC Pesticide Credits have been approved for this meeting in categories 1A, 2, 3A, 9, 10, 22, 25. Those seeking credits must attend all sessions and actively participate.

Spotted Lanternfly: State of the Science Webinar (2019)

This webinar was held on July 9, 2019, as part of New York’s Invasive Species Awareness Week. Dr. Julie Urban (Penn State) and Dr. Eric Clifton (Cornell University) share the latest spotted lanternfly research.

Spotted Lanternfly Basics (2019)

Watch the recordings of the Northeastern IPM Center’s webinar series about spotted lanternfly. Each of the four webinars covers a different set of susceptible crops. View the recordings.

Spotted Lanternfly: Update on This New Invasive Pest (2018)

Learn about spotted lanternfly and the current control strategies with Emelie Swackhamer from Penn State Extension and Shannon Herbst from Rainbow Treecare Scientific.


Technical Working Group Summary Report: Spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula This 2017 report provides recommendations from the Technical Working Group concerning management of Spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula, an exotic species native to Asia.

Spotted Lanternfly Management for Homeowners A guide that reviews the identification, life cycle, current distribution, and techniques for managing spotted lanternfly on your property.